Breakpoint Testing: Desktop

Breakpoint Testing: Laptop

Breakpoint Testing: Tablet

Breakpoint Testing: Mobile

Job Postings

The LGBTQ Center Long Beach is committed to promoting equality and diversity within all sectors. This job board is a reflection of our ongoing efforts to support the LGBTQ+ community in their professional lives. While we facilitate connections between job seekers and employers, please note that job postings on this site are from external companies and organizations, and not from The LGBTQ Center Long Beach itself.

Website Help

I am seeking a knowledgeable person with expertise in web design, development, and website launching for, an LGBTQ-focused platform that is currently live. As this project is rooted in the LGBTQ community, I would prefer to collaborate with individuals within the community to foster a supportive and inclusive environment. While experience with AI is a plus, it is not a requirement.

Compensation: starting at $30 per hour or can be a project base quote.

Posting Guidelines

This is a free referral service The Center has offered since we first began offering a telephone hotline to our community in the early 1980s.

Job postings must include salary range. Posts that are submitted without salary information will be deleted. It may take a few days for posts to be approved. Posts will remain on the site for 30 days.

To submit a job posting request, questions about a job post you have submitted, or would like to extend or remove your posting follow the link below.

Cyber Center Form

Job Posting Request